white-xboxoneWe have had our fair share of stories concerning the upcoming Xbox One console from Microsoft, which I cannot help but wonder why they could not have picked a different name. After all, there is the HTC One flagship smartphone from Taiwan-based HTC, no? Having said that, here we are with some interesting information concerning a console that can record the last five minutes of your gameplay – where there is actually the existence of an all-white Xbox One, although it is said to be an early devkit and definitely not a shade which is being prepared for release.

According to one confirmed developer, the white Xbox One is actually one of many development kits that major game-makers have benefitted from Microsoft’s generosity, while others will sport stripes in the same vein as that of zebras. A post on the XboxOneDev forum mentioned, “The zebra ones were also earlier devkits. We’ve gone though several revisions since the original alpha kit (giant server case) and the current one we have looks like the launch version.” Would you like to see the vanilla version of the Xbox One arrive in White?

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