TomTom To Add Real-Time Traffic To BlackBerry 10 Maps App

blackberry-10-maps-620x400If you’re a BlackBerry 10 user, you might be pleased to find out that TomTom has recently announced an updated agreement with BlackBerry in which they will be providing real-time traffic information to the native maps app found on the BlackBerry 10 operating system. Undoubtedly this will be a welcome update to BlackBerry 10 users who think that the maps app could do with a bit more features and functionality. The real-time traffic update will provide users with more precise traffic information so you will know which routes not to take if you wish to arrive at your destination in a timely manner.

According to Adrian Goul, VP of Handheld Software Product Management at BlackBerry, “Having accurate and up-to-date traffic information integrated in BlackBerry Maps is an important feature for customers, and TomTom is a recognized leader that provides traffic data to many companies in the market […] We are pleased to expand our relationship with TomTom in support of BlackBerry 10 customers.”

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