Sol Wave House A Twitter Experience Hotel

Hotels and technology have always jived well together, as we have seen our fair share of instances in the past, where Hotel Bel-Air has iPads in guest rooms so that guests are able to place room service orders, or how about the Kinect Hotel Room that targets gaming enthusiasts? No prizes for guessing just which console that hotel is partial to, though. Well, with Twitter having turned 7 years old this year, we are pleased to announce a new hotel known as the Sol Wave House, which has been described to be a “Twitter Experience Hotel”.

This hotel would go down well with your fellow Tweetaholics, where it is tucked away on the Spanish island of Majorca, and the Sol Wave House will use the power of social media in order to enhance its overall hotel experience. Opened for slightly more than a year already, it boasts of Twitter-themed rooms, drinks, and a virtual community that they call #SocialWave so that guests are able to interact and flirt with one another. Needless to say, you should not have any fear of missing out on a Wi-Fi connection throughout the hotel’s indoor premises.

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