Pokemon X and Y Pokedex Gets 5 More Additions

After all these years, it seems that Pokemon is one gaming franchise that simply refuses to die out, winning over generation after generation of young, impressionable gamers along the way to achieve a snowball effect on their net gamer base. This has led to Nintendo making tons of money off Pokemon, ranging from accessories to fashionable items and the like, but one thing has always struck me as amazing – most Pokemon titles have proven themselves to be worthy games in their own right. Well, we do know that Pokemon X and Pokemon Y will be launched worldwide later this October 12th, with a gameplay trailer already revealed this May, so here are more details to feed your Poke-frenzy appetite – there has been five more additions to the Pokemon X and Pokemon Y Pokedex, including a Fairy-type and Pancham’s evolution.
The evolution of Pancham would see the baby bear chew on a leaf, and he seems to have achieved an accelerated growth rate – being strong in the process. Other new Pokedex additions include a Dark/Psychic Pokemon and its evolution, and a couple of Fairy-type Pokemon that will remain exclusive to either Pokemon X or Pokemon Y.
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