iphonelite-blueWe all know that Apple could very well be working on a new and more affordable model of the iPhone, although one might suspect that the late Steve Jobs, were he to be alive today, might not approve of such a perceived affront to his beloved smartphone design. After all, the iPhone Lite, as some people have already started to call such a unit, would arrive in a myriad of colors, making it really carry the chic, “cheap” look. So far, we have stumbled across a few colors, but never blue – at least, not until today, as you can see above.

A new photo has started to make its way on the Internet, depicting purported back shells of the upcoming iPhone Lite, where these do seem to be made of polycarbonate plastic, sporting a metal housing within to deliver additional protection as well as being attached to internal components. There are also other external colors that are not new to us, and they include red, yellow, white, and green. Of course, we are hungry for details such as processing power, screen resolution, as well as the possibility of fingerprint recognition support, and will hopefully manage to dig out more about it in due time.

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