The next time you are fiddling with your smartphone over the dinner table, and you get chided for it, just tell the person off that you are making some money. That ought to get the attention of them manners Nazis, don’t you think so? Of course, we are not talking about million dollar deals here, but rather, something to pass your time and yet send some extra ka-ching! into your pockets. You will, however, need an Android-powered device, of course, in order to get this app known as Locket going.
Locket is a legit app that was recently launched on the Google Play Store, where it enables a bunch of advertisers (the selection seems to be rather limited at the moment, simply because it has yet to gain momentum – do expect it to increase in due time should the idea catch on) to place an ad on your lock screen, and you are paid a single cent each time you unlock your device. Of course, this will be limited to just $0.03 an hour, and you can then opt to cash out, use the accumulated funds on a gift card, or even to make a donation to your favorite charity. Of course, if you were to unlock your device’s display three times a day round the clock throughout the whole year, you would get $262.80. In reality, it would be a whole lot less since you do need to sleep, don’t you?
Filed in Google Play.
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