Japanese Sequel To ‘The Ring’ Releasing With 4D Smartphone Experience


Japan has been jumping on the 4D movie theater experience bandwagon ever since Korona World announced they’d be offering its customers such an experience with the premier of Iron Man 3 earlier this year. Now another film will be getting the 4D treatment as Sadako 3D 2 will be released with a “smartphone 4D” version in Japan.

The sequel to the original Japanese version of The Ring, Sadako 3D 2, will have a version of the film that allows the audience to download a free application that will interact with what’s shown on screen by delivering vibrations, flashes and sounds in addition to extra visuals that can be viewed on your mobile device.

The company promoting the film didn’t disclose all of the details of the 4D effects, but they did hint the app may also become active outside of the screenings, with some users even possibly getting calls from Sadako herself. We don’t know about you, but having such a creepy film interact with audience members outside of the film may cause a couple of nightmares, especially if Sadako’s phone calls come while someone is trying to sleep.

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