watermarked-BB10-pors-2-489x400Earlier we had reported that thanks to a recently spotted image in on Vietnamese website Tinhte, a battery cover that was reminiscent of the Porsche P’9881 was sighted. This led to speculation that perhaps BlackBerry could be working on a Porsche version of a BlackBerry 10 device, and now thanks to additional leaked photos (via BlackBerry Vietnam), it appears that a Porsche BlackBerry 10 device could be true! The photos are pretty grainy and it’s hard to tell what the whole device looks like, but apparently the device is said to resemble the Z10, albeit with Porsche design elements added to it.

The report goes on to state that not only will the Z10 get a Porsche makeover, but apparently the Q10 will be getting the Porsche treatment as well! Of course it is entirely possible that the image we are looking at is a fake, so take it with a grain of salt for now, but with the Porsche P’9881 priced at $2,000, we don’t expect the Porsche versions of the Z10 and Q10 to be picked up by your average BlackBerry user, but what do you guys think anyway? Yay or nay to a Porsche BlackBerry 10 device?

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  • 1280x768
  • 355 PPI
8 MP
  • f/ Aperture
1800 mAh
    2GB RAM
    • Snapdragon S4 Plus
    • MicroSD
    ~$ - Amazon
    137.5 g
    Launched in
    Storage (GB)
    • 16