DSC03328Vietnamese website Tinhte has been pretty good with their leaks and have even uploaded reviews of products that have yet to hit the market, and in a recent forum post, photos of a BlackBerry battery cover were upload that has led to speculation that perhaps BlackBerry could once again be collaborating with Porsche for a Porsche version of a BlackBerry 10 device. According to the description of the battery cover, it is made with genuine leather and even features carbon fiber material on the inside with NFC technology as well, and its design is also somewhat reminiscent of the Porsche P’9881.

Of course it could be a fake, but given that the Porsche P’9881 actually sold pretty well, especially among celebrities, why wouldn’t BlackBerry attempt something similar with a BlackBerry 10 device, right? For those wondering, the Porsche P’9881 was priced at $2,000 and was sold in limited quantities, so we’d hate to think how much a BlackBerry 10 version of the device would cost! What do you guys think? Would you be interested in a Porsche BlackBerry 10 device?

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