
Earlier this year BlackBerry announced that it would finally be opening up its BlackBerry Messenger service and releasing relevant apps for both iOS and Android. Back then the company said that BBM would be released on both platforms this summer, though they didn’t give an exact release time-frame. BlackBerry India MD, Suni Lalvani, reiterated the same in an interview with IBNLive, however upon being asked if BBM for Android will release before the end of September, Lalvani replied in the affirmative.

Lalvani didn’t say if BBM will be released for both platforms at the same time, the report itself doesn’t mention if BBM for iOS will be released in September as well. The comments were made at BlackBerry Q5 launch in India. The Q5 is BlackBerry’s mid-range BB10 powered device that is likely to perform well in markets such as India. Most people are anxious to see how BBM would perform on these platforms given the fact that other services such as Viber and WhatsApp already hold a huge part of the market. Hopefully we’ll find that out in the next couple of months.

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