BBC Set To Suspend 3D Programming

bbc-3d-suspensionThe BBC is set to suspend 3D programming, and this particular suspension will remain in place for an indefinite period of time because of what they call a “lack of public appetite” for the technology. According to Kim Shillinglaw, the BBC’s head of 3D, she mentioned that 3D programming did not take off as anticipated as the audiences found it to be quite a hassle when it comes to enjoying 3D programming. Well, who knows, just like how the tablet computer as introduced by Bill Gates did not really enter mainstream consciousness until Apple did a fantastic job with the iPad many years later, so too, could 3D programming follow a similar evolutionary path.

We do remember that a couple of years ago, the BBC kicked off a 3D trial that saw them broadcast several shows and events in 3D, where among them include the Olympic Games as well as Strictly Come Dancing. Doctor Who fans who are always on the cutting edge of technology will be pleased to hear that there will be a Doctor Who anniversary special happening later this November, and it will be among the final shows that will be televised in 3D as part of the trial. What do you think are the hindrances when it comes to 3D programming?

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