Apple Announces 1 Billion Podcast Subscriptions

These days, when we talk about figures, millions hardly inspire any kind of imagination any more. Billions, now there’s the word that we are looking at. Apple is one company that seems to be more comfortable with the figure of billions rather than millions, as we look at their cash pile, in addition to the number of App Store downloads since it was opened to the masses, and now another “billion” milestone has been achieved – with Cupertino announcing that the iTunes Store has passed the 1 billion podcast subscription mark.
According to Apple, those billion subscriptions have been spread across 250,000 unique podcasts in over 100 languages, and over 8 million episodes have been published in the iTunes Store since it first existed. Obviously some of those subscriptions will not end up with too many fans, but for those who have accumulated newspapers or Instapaper articles in due time, you know how your podcast subscription could end up with. Have you offered a podcast to the world over the past few years to make up the magical one billion mark? Or is this bit of information the catalyst to get you moving?
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