The other day we managed to catch a glimpse at photos of the alleged low-cost iPhone’s shell compared to the iPhone 5, but in case photos weren’t enough, DetroitBORG has posted a video on YouTube in which he basically takes you through the plastic shell of the low-cost iPhone. Of course there’s no telling if the plastic shell in the video is actually that of the low-cost iPhone, but leaks and rumors have definitely help solidify it and we would truly be surprised if Apple revealed something else entirely if and when the device is announced.

In any case the video also compares the low-cost iPhone to other iOS devices, such as the iPhone 3GS, the iPhone 5, and the fifth-gen iPod touch, and as you might have surmised from the photos we saw last time, the low-cost iPhone is expected to share similar dimensions to the iPhone 5, but due to its choice of material, it will be slightly thicker. If you have a few minutes to spare, you can check out the video above for more info.

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