nokia-lumia-925-preview-06While iOS and Android are very obviously dominating the US smartphone market share, what about platforms such as Microsoft’s Windows Phone? Well for fans of the platform, you might be pleased to learn that according to the latest Kantar WorldPanel results for April, it looks like Windows Phone is doing quite well for themselves in regions such as the UK, Germany, and Europe in general. According to Dominic Sunnebo, the global consumer insight director at Kantar WorldPanel, “Android and iOS continue to take the lion’s share of smartphone sales in Britain. However, Windows phones are becoming increasingly popular with consumers. Windows has grown its share by 4.4 percentage points compared with the same period last year and now holds an 8.4% share of the market.”

Granted this still puts Microsoft’s smartphone operating system in the single digits, it is still a pretty major improvement as it has grown by almost 100%! However at this rate we have to wonder how long it will take before Windows Phone finally manages to play catch up to both iOS and Android, so here’s hoping that the next major Windows Phone build will introduce better features and better hardware support that will make Windows Phone devices more desirable to users of other platforms.

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