tesla-chargeDriving an electric car is very different from using a smartphone which runs on batteries. Of course, for handsets that have a removable battery, whenever your existing battery dies out, all you need to do is remove the back battery cover, and replace the dead battery with a fully charged one. One the other hand, an electric car is far more tricky, since you cannot simply pull over to the side and perform a battery swap, considering the amount of engineering knowledge required. Well, Tesla, a pioneer in electric cars, intends to show off their electric vehicle battery swap technology for the Model S later this week.

The whole idea of a battery swap would be to provide an alternative to electric vehicle (EV) charging, and it basically involves one easy motion of removing the battery and replacing it with a fully charged one, much like how you would do to a smartphone. This does away with the need to remember to charge up your battery before traveling, now how about that?

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