The Lenovo S Series laptops were specially designed to be elegant in nature, offering a decent amount of performance without having to break the bank. It comes with a tactile metallic finish, measuring a mere 0.8” in thickness and tipped the scales from just 3 pounds alone. Both the IdeaPad S400 and S500 can be configured to feature 3rd generation Intel Core i5 processors, with the option for discrete graphics, while the IdeaPad S210 has up to 3rd generation Intel Core i3 processors. Regardless of which model you select, all three of them come with Dolby Advance Audio v2 certification, Lenovo Companion, Lenovo Support and Lenovo Cloud applications. The IdeaPad S210 Touch, S400 Touch and S500 Touch will retail for $429, $449, and $579, respectively, from the beginning of this summer onwards.