Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, and so the video above that depicts the Lego Binary Clock pretty much says it all. Lego builder nxt1engineer is the maestro behind this unique project, who successfully constructed a working binary clock with Lego parts, and among his list of achievements in the past would include a clever beer-opening machine in addition to a M&M sorter that the more fickle minded and particular folk out there would appreciate. With the Lego Binary Clock, rotating spindles would be called into action in order to indicate the passage of time. What are some of the other fun projects that you think you would like to see arrive in Lego format?

I am quite sure that the beginner would have a pretty difficult and challenging time trying to figure everything out, but it certainly would be worth checking out if you want to go beyond the more mundane hobbies that we normally read of in personality profiles out there. I recently took a walk through Toys ‘R Us, and boy was I in for a shock at the price of a small Lego set – this definitely is not the hobby for those who are short on money.

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