Kellogg’s Uses Instagram To Give Special K Boxes To Customers


Kellogg’s is no stranger to allowing its customers to pay for their merchandise through using social networking websites as just last September, they allowed customers in the U.K. to purchase Special K Cracker Crisps through a pop-up “Tweet Shop.” It looks like Kellogg’s is at it again as they’re once again allowing customers to purchase a box of Special K by using a special tag when they upload an image on Instagram.

When customers in Stockholm snap their photo, they need to tag it with the hashtag #nyaspecialk, which is Swedish for “new Special K.” Once the image has made its way to Instagram, the customer would show their proof of upload to the cashier in order to get your free box of Special K. The reason why Instagram was chosen over Twitter was due to the fact Instagram is more popular in Sweden and has been used for similar promotions recently.

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