With the massive UI changes being made to iOS 7, we’re sure that there are some users who might be worried that even if on the surface everything looks good, what about non-Apple apps? How long will these apps take to “catch up” to the look and feel that matches the rest of the operating system? While we’re sure the folks at popular apps such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are probably working on some update that optimizes their app for iOS 7, a designer by the name of Michal Vasko has decided to cook up a concept of his own, showing what the Instagram UI could be like if it were to be optimized for iOS 7. Unsurprisingly the app looks “flatter” in terms of design, but still retains the familiar Instagram UI that Instagrammers have come to know and love. In any case like we said, we’re sure the folks at Instagram are probably working on something of their own, but this concept isn’t too shabby, right?