Fake BBM App Appears In Google Play Store

bbm-fakeNo matter how meticulous or efficient that the intelligence agencies of different countries are portrayed in the movies, there is always the possibility of someone finding their way around a dragnet or problem – just look at the real life example of how Edward Snowden is able to take the flight from Hong Kong to Russia despite having his passport impounded earlier on to get a picture. Having said that, no matter how meticulous a corporation is, there are bound to be some mistakes that happen along the way, such as a fake BBM App making its appearance over at the Google Play Store.

While it is confirmed that there will be cross-platform BBM arriving soon in a June 27th rumored launch date which was subsequently debunked, having been slapped with a “late summer” ETA, it certainly made for plenty of gullible and excited folks to be tricked into downloading a fake BBM app on Google Play, although to their credit, Google did pull the app eventually. The app was known as “blackberry messenger bbm” and it already hit over 100,000 downloads before it was removed. Good thing no malware has been associated with this app just yet.

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