Pizza delivery is a pretty fast and painless ordeal the majority of the time as big-name chain pizzerias are able to deliver your order within a reasonable amount of time. But there are times when a delivery can take forever due to unforeseen circumstances, like bumper-to-bumper traffic, which is why we need something like Domino’s DomiCopter in our life.

Domino’s Pizza UK came up with the proof-of-concept, which use an octocopter along with an insulated Domino’s delivery bag held by four large claws. The DomiCopter is said to easily allow for multiple pizzas to be delivered, although two pizza pies currently meet the copter’s weight limit. A video demonstrating the DomiCopter in action was uploaded onto YouTube, showing the octocopter delivering a pizza to someone after maneuvering through a number of obstacles.

Since it’s only a proof-of-concept, don’t expect any pizzas to go flying by any time soon. Hopefully we won’t have to wait too long until something like this is used, which could be a double-edged sword as we definitely want hot pizza as fast as possible, but we also don’t want random pizzas falling onto us.

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