Traveling by plane makes reaching a certain destination much easier as walking to Tokyo from New York City may offer a few challenges. One thing travelers can do without is having to worry about their luggage every step of the way as we’re sure you want to have a clean pair of shorts when you reach your destination. Airlines use paper tags for checked luggage to help them find their way to your destination, but if they accidentally get ripped off, you can kiss those clean shorts goodbye.
British Airways is introducing a reusable luggage tag created by Designworks that features an e-ink display that can be reprogrammed countless times just by using your smartphone. The way it works is by using information you receive when you check in for your flight, which you can then update these tags to show your current destination. The barcodes the luggage tag uses will be completely compatible with current luggage sorting equipment, so that means airlines wouldn’t need to update anything.
Hopefully these new tags will have a successful run as we’re sure this will be something you’re going to want to have the next time you’re flying.