bbmThere are many messaging platforms available in the market today, such as WhatsApp, LINE, Viber, Skype, and etc. With so many choices to choose from, which platform is the crowd favorite? Well as it turns out, the crowd favorite messaging platform is none other than Blackberry’s BBM which as it stands, is still limited to Blackberry devices although it is expected to be released for iOS and Android later this summer. This is according to Acision, an independent research firm, who when conducting their research found that BBM is currently the most popular messaging application in the UK. According to the report:

When analysing the most popular messaging applications by numbers of messages sent, across all age groups BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) comes out on top in the UK, with an average of 110 messages sent every week. This is followed by SMS (75 messages per week – MPW), WhatsApp (74 MPW) with both iMessage and Facebook Messenger following at (64 MPW). SMS rules in the US, with an average of 111 messages sent every week, with those aged 12 to 18 sending 150 SMS messages per week – 35% more than the average user. The continued high SMS usage, again maybe influenced by unlimited SMS packages.

This is actually pretty surprising given that BBM is currently an exclusive for Blackberry phones, and with iOS and Android dominating the smartphone market, we would have expected apps like WhatsApp, LINE or even Viber coming out on top. If anything it goes to show that Blackberry made the right move by expanding BBM to other platforms as well.

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