baldursgateedpulled_610Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition is a noble effort to revive a game whose original was adored by many fans, although reviews of the Enhanced Edition have left something to be desired. Either way for those looking to try their hand at the Enhanced Edition of the game, you’re out of luck for now as it steems that the game has been pulled from Apple’s App Store, and that its sequel, Baldur’s Gate 2: Enhanced Edition, has been put on hold. The reason behind this is due to “contractual issues” which the folks at Beamdog did not go into specifics about. What this means is until those issues are resolved, Beamdog will not be releasing the patch for the game, and that the sequel will be put on hold and that the game will no longer be available from the App Store. However those who currently do own the game don’t have anything to worry about as they can play the game normally, just that any bugs you encounter will probably not be resolved for a while. More information about this can be found on the Baldur’s Gate website.

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