Alienware Manager Claims Consoles Are Starting To Look More Like PCs Everyday

Alienware-18-frontBack in the day, owning a console to play games was a bit more preferable compared to PCs, especially since getting a PC outfitted to play the same quality of games would have cost a lot more than just buying a console. Nowadays the gap has started to shrink and building yourself a decent gaming rig will not cost you that much more, not to mention there are a lot more things you could do on your PC if you didn’t want to game, and it seems that Alienware’s general manager, Frank Azor, seems to think so as well, going as far as to claim that “consoles are looking more and more like PCs every day.”

Speaking to the folks at PCGamesN, Azor compared some of the hardware aspects of consoles these days and found that they weren’t that different compared to PCs. “If you look at what Sony and Microsoft are doing, they’re taking PCs and putting them into the living room. It’s an AMD CPU, it’s an AMD graphics card, it’s a standard desktop hard drive. It’s unbelievable […] You’re installing games now instead of running them off the disc, because that’s the right thing to do; you’re downloading games digitally, which we’ve been doing on PC for years.”

Of course given that Alienware specializes in making gaming PCs, we aren’t surprised that they are taking the stance that they are, but what do you guys think? Are consoles these days really starting to resemble PCs, just with a different design?

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