Verizon has certainly been late to the Galaxy S4 party. Other major carriers in the U.S. have rolled out Samsung’s latest Android flagship smartphone to their customers, whereas Verizon subscribers wait patiently for the new device. Just a fortnight ago the carrier announced that it will begin rolling out the device from 23rd May. It is now being reported that Verizon is actually pushing out the devices well ahead of time, with some customers allegedly receiving their units as early as last week.
A number of Verizon subscribers who pre-ordered their units are now claiming that their devices have been shipped ahead of the May 23rd release date. If this is indeed the case, then obviously no one would be complaining about actually receiving the device they’ve been waiting patiently for all this time a bit earlier. There’s also an upside to the roll out beginning soon, the Galaxy S4 bootloader unlock wasn’t being released because it is deemed to be compatible with Verizon’s S4 and wasn’t released before Verizon rolled out the device. As the device begins being shipped, we can only hope that the unlock also arrives soon. [Image via CNET]
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