TryLive Eyewear Could Help You Improve Your Business

trylive-eyewearTotal Immersion is more than please to announce their spanking new TryLive Eyewear, which so happens to be the company’s virtual try-on solution that is available as a fully hosted service which has been dedicated to web and mobile e-commerce applications. I suppose this unique combination of various aspects of technology such as Augmented Reality could very well prove to be a boon for businesses and organizations that are looking for more efficient ways of engaging with their target market.

TryLive is capable of delivering quick and easy setup and asset updates, courtesy of TryLive’s cloud platform. Not only that, Total Immersion claims that you will be able to enjoy visible as well as strong return on investment, where the highly attractive and flexible business model is based on a monthly fee. Direct Optic is a company that has integrated the TryLive Eyewear solution on their website for a year, where they claim to have benefitted from 3 time higher conversion rates, with users spending an average of 10 minutes on TryLive (we wonder how many of those will be out of curiosity), and having more than 88% of their customers being satisfied. Do you think your company would benefit from TryLive Eyewear?

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