
The Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 and Mega 5.8 ‘phablets’ a.k.a smartphones with humongous screens were revealed by the company back in April. We’ve already gone hands on with Galaxy Mega 6.3 and both of these devices have already turned up at the FCC. These phablets were supposed to be launched in May, the month is half over and still they’re not available in the market. Rumor has it that the release of both of these devices has been delayed by at least one month.

The Samsung Mega 6.3 released was pegged between May 6 and May 12 where as the Mega 5.8 was due between May 13 and May 19. Furthermore, retailers in Europe have already confirmed that they won’t be having the devices in stock this month. A UK based retailer is saying that Mega 6.3 won’t be in stock till July, whereas one in the Netherlands has the same device pegged for release in the first week of June. It is not entirely known for sure as to what is causing the delay in release, Samsung is yet to officially confirm it and provide an alternative time-frame for the release.

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