iphone-5-inch-screen-analystWith mobile phones these days being priced a lot higher than their feature phone counterparts, they are no doubt an attractive item for thieves to steal, with statistics from The New York Times claiming that in San Francisco, almost half of all robberies involved a cellphone being stolen, which brings attention to their article claiming that Apple is not doing enough to prevent iPhones from being stolen. While there are already measures put into place, some feel that companies such as Apple, and carriers, aren’t doing as much as they should.

George Gascón, San Francisco’s district attorney, seems to think that smartphone theft can be fixed with a technological solution, and he claims to have met with Apple to discuss such issues, but felt that there was no indication from Apple that they were interested taking such efforts one step further. Critics have also claimed that thieves with some technical knowledge will be able to hack the phone’s IMEI to erase its data, rendering them unidentifiable from databases that track phones. Some have suggested that companies institute a lock on the phone should such a reset be detected.

What do you guys think? Are there enough measures put into place to deter thieves from stealing and selling stolen phones, or do you think more could be done on this front?

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