Rain Room Art Installation Doesnt’ Get You Wet

moma-rainWe humans are extremely creative beings, and you know for sure that this is a fact throughout the ages, where there is always a certain segment of the population who prefer to express themselves through the arts, be they music, poetry, painting, songs, plays – the list is a long one. Thanks to the wonders of modern day technology, one can express him or herself through art in ways that our ancestors would have never thought of before. Take Random International’s Rain Room installation for instance. It is currently on display at the MoMA in New York City now through July 28, where steady sheets of rain will pour down from the ceiling in order to mimic rainfall, and whenever someone steps into the room, sensors will stop the water from running down temporarily, allowing you to walk through the room without getting soaked.

In a nutshell, you can say that the Rain Room is a carefully choreographed downpour, which so happens to be a monumental piece of work which encourages folks to end up as performers on an unexpected stage, in addition to creating an intimate atmosphere of contemplation.

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