As it stands, there’s a fair bit of uncertainty regarding some of the recently unveiled Xbox One’s features, especially with regards to DRM, used games and how exactly the need for internet connectivity is used. There were some statements released by Microsoft executives and spokespersons that seemed to contradict one another, but the good news is that Microsoft is hoping to clear everything up once and for all during the company’s E3 conference. This was revealed by Microsoft’s chief of staff, Aaron Greenburg, who took to Twitter (via OXM) and stated that, “A lot of assumptions but very little based on facts […] We will share more at E3. We will get it right.” We’re not sure what this means – might it be that Microsoft has had a change of heart, or by “get it right” they mean that they would clarify some of the things that were announced during the Xbox One’s unveiling? Either way Microsoft’s E3 conference is set for the 10th of June, so if you want your Xbox One’s questions answered once and for all, check back with us then for the details.
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