lego-recordI have yet to come across the path of someone who loathes all things Lego. Who can resist these precise fitting plastic bricks that get the job done, unraveling the imagination of the masses? Well, on May 10th and May 11th, eighty Danish Lego devotees actually got together and assisted Henrik Ludvigsen in creating history, as Ludvigsen had in mind to construct the world’s longest plastic toy train track – using nothing but Lego bricks, of course.

Just how long is it? Well, we are talking about a whopping 4,000.25 m (13,124 ft) here (which would mean approximately four kilometers in total), and the entire feat was achieved using 93,307 pieces. Obviously, the record keepers over at Guinness approved at this world record attempt, where the Lego train engine actually took all four hours in order to complete its epic journey from one end to the other. Since Lego bricks are not the cheapest thing in the world to indulge in, Ludvigsen actually placed ads in newspapers and online to ask for more blue track, and obviously, the public was generous enough to help Ludvigsen achieve his dream. [Press Release]

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