While Apple’s iTunes software is currently available for the desktop version of Windows 8, it seems that the Redmond company is interested in having a Metro version of the app, but it seems that Apple is rather reluctant to create an iTunes app for Windows 8. Speaking in an interview with
CNN Money, Microsoft Windows CFO, Tami Reller, revealed that Microsoft had approached Apple to request them to create an iTunes app, and that
“the welcome mat has been laid out. It’s not for lack of trying.” We’re not sure why Apple is reluctant to create a Metro version of its iTunes app, perhaps it might be a way to hinder Microsoft in advancing their tablets, who knows? According to sources at Microsoft, they revealed to The Verge that apparently “iTunes” is one of the most searched for applications in the Windows Store, which might explain why Microsoft is eager to secure the app in order to keep their users satisfied.
Filed in Apple >Computers. Read more about Apps, iTunes, Microsoft and Windows 8.