This weekend is one comic book fans have been waiting all year for as Iron Man 3 will soon be released in theaters across the U.S. We know you’re probably excited enough to wear something Iron Man related, maybe even taking your 7-foot tall Iron Man figure with you. But true Iron Man fans who happen to have an iPhone 5 will want to also deck out their device with an Iron Man-themed case, and we think this Mark VII Armor Case would be the best to carry around with you.
The iPhone 5 case was modeled after Iron Man’s Mark VII upgraded armor and feels like it’s entirely made of metal. The case features the suit’s power core, which flashes when you have an incoming call, and also has a cover on its left shoulder that can uncover the iPhone’s camera. As with the majority of cool things you see on the Internet, the Mark VII Armor Case is only available in Japan, which means if you order it now, you probably won’t get it in time for the big premier this weekend. On the other hand, you will have it in time for your third or fourth viewing of Iron Man 3.
Filed in iPhone, iPhone 5, Iphone Case and Iron Man.
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