We’re not sure what’s going on in Brazil these days, but they’re coming up with some seriously awesome products as just last week, Huggies unveiled its TweetPee product, which alerts parents when they need to change their baby’s diaper. This week, Dominoes in Brazil is making DVDs smell a little bit more delicious.

Dominoes has partnered up with ten video rental stores located in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro to have select new releases, such as Argo, Dread and Dark Knight, stamped with a thermal ink and flavored varnish that are sensitive to heat. When a customer plays one of these DVDs, the heat will make the DVD smell like a fresh pizza pie, and when ejected from the DVD player, a message will display on the disc saying “Did you enjoy the movie? The next one will be even better with a hot and delicious Domino’s Pizza.”

Hopefully this will be the first step to actually having something like the pizza maker we’re sure you remember from Back to the Future II. The sooner we can have a pizza the size of a disc turn into a full pizza pie, the better humanity will be.

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