diy-tumblerA few years ago, we did cover a story on how a certain Bob Dullam managed to cobble together his resources to develop and flesh out a Batman Tumbler in real life, and while it does not have the kind of technological advancements that the fictional version possesses, it was still a thing of beauty. Well, a year after the end of the most recent Batman trilogy was shown on the silver screen has passed, and here we are with an anonymous group of Gumball 3000 competitors from Saudi Arabia who call themselves Team Galag, co-operating to churn out their very own take on the Batman Tumbler.

Their effort is by no means cheap, considering how the entire shebang costs a cool $1.6 million to build from ground up, but since the participants have that kind of crazy money to splurge on, it is not a setback at all. Team Galag intends to let loose their street legal Tumbler at the 2013 Gumball event, where it sports a 6.2-liter V-8 engine with 400-horsepower.

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