Amazon remains at the top of the e-reader market thanks to their collection of Kindle devices, but right now, those who are on the lookout for a colorful digital reading experience would do a whole lot better to rely on LCD-based tablets, and with Amazon having confirmed that they have just purchased Samsung’s Liquavista subsidiary (without revealing the sales price), does this mean we are free to speculate that there might be a color LCD enabled Kindle in the pipeline from Amazon?
Liquavista was originally launched way back in 2006 as a Philips company, before it was purchased by Samsung at the turn of this decade. Apparently, Samsung’s own research in the popular AMOLED technology led to a waning interest in Liquavista’s LCD technology, which finally saw Amazon approach Samsung and table them an offer that they cannot refuse. A color LCD Kindle would definitely make plenty of sense, and we look forward to such a future eventually. Would you pick up a color Kindle e-reader, or are you all right with the regular tablet?
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