
Wrestelmania XXIX is taking place this Sunday just a few miles from where I live, but seeing as I don’t have a ticket to the big show, I’ll most likely be watching the big event from the comfort of my home on my Xbox 360 now that an official WWE application has launched on the platform.

Microsoft announced WWE’s dedicated application on the Xbox 360 has officially launched making it possible to order pay-per-view events right within your console’s dashboard. There couldn’t have been a better time to launch the app as we’re sure many of you were already planning on purchasing this weekend’s pay-per-view event, so why not take your business to your Xbox 360?

At this time, Microsoft hasn’t given a lot of details concerning the app, such as if pay-per-views will be available to purchase for actual money or Microsoft Points, and if there’s anything else within the WWE app except for being a glorified hub to purchase pay-per-view events through. Either way, if you’re a fan of the WWE, you’re going to want to fire up your Xbox 360 to check out what it’s all about before Sunday’s big event.

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