apple-vs-samsung3Samsung and Apple are no longer the bosom buddies that they once were, and the fallout from their lawsuits thrown at each other over the past year have proved to be damaging. The latest word that we heard concerning both Apple and Samsung is this, that the South Korean company is no longer part of the development process of Apple’s next generation A7 chip, which will most probably see action in upcoming versions of the iPhone and iPad.

So far, all of Apple’s iDevices do sport chips that were manufactured by Samsung in Austin, Texas, but it seems that all good things must come to an end, and with the alleged Apple A7 processor tipped to debut sometime in the first half of next year, there does not seem as though Samsung will be part of the picture then. Couple that with word that Apple has already enlisted the assistance of a certain Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. to get the job done, and you have a better idea of what is to expect down the road.

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