Saints Row 4 is expected to be released on August 20 by its new published, Deep Silver, and as you would expect from the game’s developer, Volition, they’ve cooked up some pre-order bonuses for those of you who plunk down your hard-earned cash prior to the game’s release.
Pre-ordering Saints Row 4 will get you the “Commander in Chief” edition, which you can get a feel for from the image in this story. The Commander in Chief edition will come with an Uncle Sam suit that has your character decked out in clothes only a true American could appreciate. A Screaming Eagle jet will also be made available and feature talons that can shoot rockets and can invoke a “Sonic Scream” attack.
If that wasn’t enough for you to overcharge your debit card with a pre-order, then the ‘Merica weapon will certainly get you to do so. The pre-order bonus is the weapon to end all weapons as it has flamethrowers, ultra-powered dub step guns and rocket launchers all in one weapon. We think it’s safe to say whatever you plan on killing with this weapon will be good and dead after one use.
Filed in Deep Silver, Saints Row, Saints Row 4 and Volition.
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