Lumia 920 Knockoff Known As The Lamia 920

lamia920They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but I guess that this particular adage only applies to certain aspects of life. After all, if you are going to copy the industrial design and even the way a software looks on your consumer electronics device, chances are pretty high that lawyers will soon come a-knocking on the front of your company’s door. The flagship Nokia Lumia 920 seem to have gained the attention of an Indian company, where they have called their particular creation as the Lamia 920. Yes sir, just a change in the letter should get the job done, where the Lamia 920 is accompanied by a smart remote while sporting an on-screen keyboard.

Other aspects of the hardware list include a 4.5-inch display, a 2-megapixel camera at the back, a microSD memory card slot, dual SIM capability as with most of the cheaper handsets in developing countries have, and they have even decided to throw in a 4GB microSD memory card to get you started right out of the box. However, I am quite sure that your $82 (after conversion) would be able to go further if you were to rely on an established brand name where phones are concerned.

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