newtwoI am quite sure that any Pokemon fan worth his or her salt would definitely have heard of the legendary Pokemon that is known as Mewtwo before, and it seems that Mewtwo has proven to be the main inspiration for the latest Pokemon that was teased which will hail from Pokemon X and Y, where some folks have even cheekily dubbed it to be the “Newtwo”.

Granted, it has been nearly a couple of months ever since Pokemon X and Y’s last Pokemon was shown off to the world, the Eevee-lution Sylveon. Nintendo and Game Freak have decided that now would be the best time to make sure fans remain rabid and maintain their interest, although the Pokemon that you see above certainly has no official name attached to it just yet. It was said that Mewthree was recently revealed on the latest episode of the Japanese television show, Pokemon Smash, where it is touted to come with a fair number of similar traits that have made Mewtwo endearing over to the masses, so Newtwo could very well be the wrong answer, and Mewthree might be the one.

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