We’ve seen alcohol and LEDs come together in the past as LED ice cubes were introduced as a way to curb over-drinking, and it looks as though Heineken will soon be bringing its brand of beers to the modern age with their Heineken Ignite concept.

The concept was introduced at Milan Design Week and equips Heineken beer bottles with LEDs and motion sensors to create what they’re calling the first “interactive beer bottle.” The Heineken Ignite will light up during various portions of your night out as it’ll activate when cheering with someone else or pulse while taking a drink. The LEDs in the bottle will even react to its surroundings as it will put itself to sleep when not in use as well as synchronize itself to the music.

The Heineken Ignite is currently only a concept, which is a good thing as we can’t even begin to imagine just how much it would cost to make something like this a reality or even how much more waste it would create and where exactly we would recycle these things.

Filed in Concepts. Read more about and .