chromebookpixel-lteGoogle has issued an official confirmation that their long awaited Chromebook Pixel LTE has started to ship, which means those who placed an order from Google Play ought to be able to receive it from as early as April 12th onwards. The Chromebook Pixel LTE was unveiled to come with a 12.85” touchscreen display at a whopping resolution count of 2,560 × 1,700 pixels earlier this February, where it will cost $1,449 for the bare bones LTE model over at the Google Play store.

Originally, it was mentioned that the Chromebook Pixel LTE will ship by April 8th as a US exclusive, so to see it miss that date by a few days is nothing worth raising a ruckus about after one has been waiting since February this year. While the display is extremely high end, we do wonder why the rest of the hardware specifications do not seem to be on par, namely it carries a mere 4GB RAM, 64GB SSD, and three years of free access to Google Drive cloud storage at 1TB of space.

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