
We’ve seen concepts for upcoming versions of iOS, upcoming iPhones and even shoes that talk to you, but one thing we haven’t seen much concept love for is the Gmail app, especially on the Android platform. But that’s exactly what we’re going to feature in this story as an Android developer has gone ahead and delivered an impressive concept for everyone’s favorite email application.

Android developer and developer Paul Burke published a set of photos to his Google+ page which takes a look how the Gmail for Android app could be made better. Burke imagines a Gmail application that offers a simple and elegant interface which incorporates all of contacts and makes the experience more intuitive by reorganizing your inbox. Don’t fall in love with this Gmail concept too hard as with the majority of concepts, they’re just a re-imagining of a product and in no way represent what companies plan to do with them in the future. In this case though, we hope Google is paying close attention to this Gmail for Android concept.

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