Namco Bandai’s Ridge Racer series has always been considered a more arcade-y racing game as its gameplay mechanics, especially when drifting, can be considered to be extremely exaggerated. The next game in the series will take an equally exaggerated step in another direction, but it isn’t to make its gameplay crazier, instead, it’s a step in the free-to-play direction.

Ridge Racer Driftopia will be the first Ridge Racer title that will be completely free-to-play as you can purchase cars, XP packs and repair kits to help enhance the experience. Just how much of the game will be free-to-play is unknown at this time, but we hope Namco Bandai will at least be able to deliver a Ridge Racer game for fans of the series without nickel-and-diming its customers by providing more DLC options than anything else, which it did with its Ridge Racer for Vita.

Ridge Racer Driftopia is expected to be released later this year for the PlayStation 3 and PC. Sorry, Xbox 360 owners. It looks like you’re being left out on the fun this time around. But, hey – you have Happy Wars, right?

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