fb-live2We’re going to be on the showfloor of the Facebook event soon thanks to an invitation in our email inbox that referred to a new home on Android, so here is a quick teaser of us on the bus heading towards the Facebook headquarters that is located in Menlo Park. Hopefully, the weather will let up pretty soon and the sun would emerge from behind the clouds to add some much needed cheer to the atmosphere, but do stay tuned to our live blog for all the nitty gritty details.

Just what will be released or announced later this morning? Could it be a spanking new Facebook phone that has been rumored to be the HTC First? Of course, I am quite sure that many folks are also looking forward to a totally new Facebook centric user interface to make your social network life all the more integrated into an Android-powered smartphone like never before. Well, all should be revealed in a couple of hours’ time, so stay tuned as we attempt to deliver the freshest and most interesting news from the Facebook headquarters. Follow us on our live blog.

Update: We’re waiting for the event to start. Stay tuned!

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