Late last year, millions of gamers cringed at the announcement of Dark Souls 2 during VGA 2012. Not because it’s a bad game, but instead, because they knew they’d once again be buying a video game that does nothing but torture them throughout the entire experience with how difficult it is.

Since its announcement, Namco Bandai hasn’t shared much information regarding Dark Souls 2, but today, IGN released a special 12-minute demo where the game’s director Yui Tanimura and global producer Tak Miyazoe, who acts as Tanimura-san’s translator. The gameplay reveal features direct in-game footage of Dark Souls 2, which Tanimura-san says improving its graphics were one of the major focuses of this game. The gameplay demo will show off the game’s combat system, 3D level design and a new ability that allows your adventurer to carry a torch with them while they make their way through the game in order to help get the jump on enemies before they surprise you in the dark.

If you have 12 minutes to kill and enjoyed Dark Souls or Demon’s Souls, then you’re going to want to check out how From Software has improved Dark Souls 2. Just remember that no matter how you play the game, you’re probably going to die. A lot.

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