ms-founders-portraitThe founders of Microsoft, Paul Allen and Bill Gates, actually took the time and trouble to pose with state of the art computers in June 25, 1981, the day when Microsoft was incorporated as a business in Washington. Gates, as the president and chairman of the board, alongside Allen became executive vice president, realized that they needed to have a decent photo taken of the both of them, and that particular shot became a classic over the years, with Gates wearing a sweater while Allen was decked out in a suit and a tie.

Fast forward more than a couple of decades down the road, and here we are with a recreated photo of that classic shot, where Allen with his computer museum in Seattle provided the backdrop for this recreated photo. Allen said, “It is possible that no other technology on earth has so continually renewed itself as computer technology. Advances in this field arrive in such swift succession that even the software and hardware of a few seasons ago are considered obsolete.” It would also have been cool if they maintained the same pose, except with the latest developments in today’s computing world for added effect.

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