If you happen to be in possession of the Sony Xperia TX, otherwise known as the LT29i if model numbers are your cup of tea, then you would be able to let out a sigh of relief, as it has been made known that the Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean update is finally going to be released in the form of firmware version 9.1.B.0.411. Sony Mobile did originally revise the Jelly Bean schedule for the Sony Xperia TX to be sometime this month, and since we have yet to make the jump over to April, it is great to see Sony Mobile sticking to the new time scale. The devil’s in the details, and it is small little things like these that keep users happy.
So far, very little is known about the kind of improvements that this new firmware is able to offer compared to the previous Jelly Bean firmware released for the Xperia T/TX/V series of devices that carried version number 9.1.A.0.490 on the Xperia V, but there is hope that springs eternal, for the latest 9.1.B.0.411 firmware to also arrive on the Xperia T and Xperia V platforms in due time.
Filed in Jelly Bean (Android) and Sony.
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